New York countdown!!!

Hey people!

So, in 10 days, I am off to New York! We booked it a while ago and I have been super excited but the countdown has been taking agesssss but now there's almost a week to go and I cannot control my excitement!!
We went last year during Easter and it was amazing! That's partly the reason for wanting to go back so soon. The only down side was the weather! It was cold!!! But this year is going to be colder! I just looked at their weather on my phone app and apparently it is currently snowing...

Anyway, I wanted to share this with you guys as I will keep you posted with what I am doing daily out there and, when I arrive home after we have been, I will be posting photos of what we have been getting up to. The plan is; we will arrive in Newark airport (if that's how it's spelt) and we will be getting the train to Grand Central and walking up to our hotel in Times Square. Over the next 3 or 4 days we are there for, (I don't even know how long we're going for lolol) we will be doing loooooaaaads of shopping and also going up the Top Of The Rock, Statue of Liberty, 9/11 memorial, Central Park, and The Empire State building at night!

                                           Here is a photo I took last year! It was fantastic!

Thanks for reading! Will be posting again very soon :)

Emma xox



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